Christopher Shannon

The BFC tent at Somerset House. Surprisingly suitable for a collection described as "Bond Street via Peru".

"Hold Yer Head Up", drawing on the photojournalism of Pieter Hugo (who famously documented Nigerians with hyenas on leashes), the documentary shots of Sirkka-Liisa Konttinen and David Attenborough's Human Planet: "Wherever in the world you look, sportswear always seems to creep in. Old track tops that have ended up in landfill sites are worn by tribes alongside handcrafted, traditional garments." Confused? Click here to read Christopher Shannon's explanation.

Rihanna's "What's My Name" was the standout. But always good to hear the unmistakable tones of The Cure's Robert Smith.

Key pieces:
Panelled and printed sportswear incorporating skirt-like fringing and woven blanket fabrics, patchwork and print flat-caps, quilted tops and trousers courtesy of Lavenham, Pointer shoes, Eastpak bags, a Rihanna tribute scarf.

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