Men Fashion Bad mistake to Avoid

Men do tend to not want to bothered with the style of clothes. But, lest you too cool, because there are many fashion mistakes that you really have to avoid, man! Check these Men Fashion Bad mistake to Avoid
Bad Men fashion mistake to Avoid Men Fashion Bad mistake to Avoid

Men Fashion Bad mistake to Avoid

1. Pictures, Patern and Color that are too many

Avoid outfit with too many pictures and patterns. If you combine a printed t-shirt with shirt, then you should select a plain shirt. Use a matching color, and if you want to combine colors, no more than 3 colors.
Pictures Patern and Color that are too many Men Fashion Bad mistake to Avoid

Pictures, Patern and Color that are too many

2. Too Loose Fitting Clothes

Clothes that are too big alias over-sized, not only make you less comfortable, but also not pretty sight. Unlike girls who have big-size style clothes, boys should not fancy dress sizes. Unless you are a hip-hop artist, wearing a big sized clothes is not the right look.
fashiion of hip hop Men Fashion Bad mistake to Avoid

fashiion of hip-hop

hip hop fashion Men Fashion Bad mistake to Avoid
hip-hop fashion

3. Shiny or Glittery Shirts and Suits

Avoid clothes that are shiny and sparkling, even if you want to go to an event or a party, Do not make it too visible force to be the center of attention with a shiny and glitter clothes or suit.
Shiny or Glittery Shirts and Suits Men Fashion Bad mistake to Avoid
Shiny or Glittery Shirts and Suits
Glitter Shirt to avoid Men Fashion Bad mistake to Avoid

Glitter Shirt to avoid

4. Clothes that are Wrinkled

Girl’s got style clothes wrinkled, but not for boys. Wrinkled clothes make guys look like out of bed and do not tidy. So, keep your clothes wrinkle-free with ironing before.
wrinkled shirt Men Fashion Bad mistake to Avoid
wrinkled shirt
wrinkled cothing Men Fashion Bad mistake to Avoid

wrinkled cothing

5. Tucking T-shirts in

Insert a t-shirts into the pants is a absolutely not! If insert a shirt or polo shirt is still oke, but the t-shirt should still look casual.

6. Wearing a tie with a short sleeve shirt

Wear a tie is only with long-sleeved shirt (long sleeve) so that you still look professional, elegant, and confident. Because, short-sleeve shirt with a tie in general combined with a perceived lower class clothing.
Wearing a short sleeve shirt with a tie  e1295768372452 Men Fashion Bad mistake to Avoid
Wearing a short sleeve shirt with a tie
Wearing a tie with a short sleeve shirt Men Fashion Bad mistake to Avoid

Wearing a tie with a short sleeve shirt

7.Too deep v-necks

You better be careful in selecting the shirt collar V-shaped model. Too deep v necks is not good for you, guys! Because it can shows your chest hair. So if you still want to use v-necks, do not choose a collar is too low. Anyway, there are tips that your v-necks look more cool, by making it undershirt, you can add a jacket or a blazer in the outer v-necks.
 Men Fashion Bad mistake to Avoid
too deep v-necks
v necks that are too deep Men Fashion Bad mistake to Avoid

v-necks that are too deep

About the clothes you can see Men Fashion Bad mistake to Avoid, to wear the bottom please take a look Fashion Mistakes to Avoid For Men and for the accessories you could see Fashion Mistakes to be Avoided by Men:Accessory Parts

Tags:latest fashion for men,new style for men 2011,latest T-shirt,paints blazer tie.etc,

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